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* .... When I Look Into Your Eyes.... * [ La première que j'ai découverte ]

--> Pour Que Tu Me Crois... Sweet Tylur....

* When I Look Into Your Eyes *

{ de Firehouse }

I see forever.... When I look in your eyes....

You're all I ever wanted.... I always want you to be mine....

Let's make a promise 'till the end of time....

We'll always be together.... and our love will never die....

So here we are face to face and heart to heart....

I want you to know.... We will never be apart.....

Now I believe that wishes can come true.....

'Cause I see my whole world....

I see only you.....

When I look into you eyes......

I can see how much I love you......

And it makes me realize.......

When I look into your eyes.....

I see all my dreams come true.......

When I look into your eyes......

I've looked for you all of my life.......

Now that I've found you..... We will never say goodbye.........

I can't stop this feeling and there's nothing I can do........

'Cause I see everything..... When I look at you.......

When I look into your eyes.....

I can see how much I love you......

And it makes me realize.......

When I look into your eyes.......

We will always be together..... And our love will never die.....

When I look into your eyes......

I see all my dreams come true .....

When I look into your eyes .....

...........When I look into your eyes ........


[ Belle aussi, n'est-ce pas =) ... ]

"... I think your dreams are true... And thanks to that... The mine too... "
I hope my dreams come true... Forever... =) ...
And I wish you'll be the one... I Hope...

Ecrit par LaTitedhelfairy, le Vendredi 20 Mai 2005, 18:37 dans la rubrique "...Symphonie Enchanteresse...".

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