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° * . . . Say Goodnight . . . Not Goodbye . . . * °

--> * .... Sweet Memories .... *

Say goodnight... Not good-bye...
You will never leave my heart behind..
Like the path of a star..
I'll be anywhere you are..

In the spark that lies beneath the coals..
In the secret place inside your soul..
Keep my light in your eyes..
Say goodnight not good-bye..

Don't you fear when you dream..
Waking up is never what it seems..
Like a jewel buried deep..
Like a promise meant to keep..

You are everything you want to be..
So just let your heart reach out to me..
I'll be right by your side..
Say goodnight not good-bye..

You are everything you want to be..
So just let your heart reach out to me..
Keep my light in your eyes..
Say goodnight.. Not good-bye....

Ecrit par LaTitedhelfairy, le Vendredi 4 Février 2005, 21:01 dans la rubrique "Actualités".

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